Adiline the Archeologist
Ahnassi the Monk
Akiko the Yojimbo
Alexis the Necromancer
Alison the Caretaker
Alma the Bandit
Alyssa the Dragoon
Anna the Hacker
Azara the Mercenary
Balise the Li'Zhen
Belladonna the Photographer
Blu the Vampire
Darla the Student
Elfy the Non-Materialist
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Evelynne the Conjurer
Fiera the Mercenery
Gabrielle the Model
Grechen the Lifeguard
Jessica the Designer
Kathleen the Biologist
Kishai the Priest
Kyitar the Predator
Mantua the Gorgon
Miriko the Assassin
Naomi the Student
Negra the Minotaur
Nina the Student
Nora the Warlock
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Odessa the Quater-Dragon
Orpha the thief
Pauline the Deniable Asset
Quint the Assassin
Regal the Warrior
Ritsy the Kobold
Sekai the Actor
Silina the Guardian
Tanala the Wizard
Tilvarass the Sorcoress
Tina the Wannabe Traveller
Tira the Teacher
Toni the General
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